Matwork Pilates Instructor Training

Are you interested in becoming an instructor? We offer comprehensive Matwork Pilates Instructor training for those looking for a career change, a method to earn a little extra income or to simply learn more about the discipline. Courses are run over an initial weekend with follow-up training and practical assessments as well.

See below for a course outline

Course Outline

The general Matwork training schedule runs as follows:

5 Class Observations to take place prior to training

Simply watching the class, starting to see the class through the eyes of an instructor rather than a member. No need to take notes or ask any questions. 

Just start to observe :

  • How does the instructor interact with the members during the class?
  • How do they provide modifications / help to members?
  • What is the energy like in the room? 

Day 1 – Friday

  • Anatomy education
  • Pelvic Floor – where / what / how to activate / feel activation on others
  • Core & lower abdominals – where / what / how to activate / feel activation on others
  • Glute – where / what / how to activate / feel activation on others
  • General muscle activation / spine placement
  • Run through a fundamentals class

Days 2 and 3 – Saturday and Sunday

  • Work through the manual / exercises with a hands-on approach as a Listen // watch // do // teach approach

Day 3 – Saturday Following week

  • Expectations as an instructor
  • Class planning
  • Teaching Practice
  • Mindset / ego

10 Class observations 

  • Pick 1 member – what did you notice about their form / movement etc
  • Feedback on your instructor – what did you notice about their energy / vibe / interaction with members before / during / after class
  • 1 exercise set – did it flow? How would you improve it? 

10 Class practicals 

  • Participate in class with the mindset of an instructor 
  • Feedback on your instructor – what did you notice about their energy / vibe / interaction with members before / during / after class
  • 1 exercise set – did it flow? How would you improve it? 

Final session with Nicole  – 1 to 2 months after training

  • Teach sections of classes in a 1on1 or with other instructors in a class
  • Receive certification